Complete Catalogue of All Hermes Books
This catalogue contains all books published by Hermes. If you are interested in a book that is out of print, please contact us for possible solutions (reprint, digital edition, etc).
Gjenoversettelse av hellige tekster
Gjenoversettelse av hellige tekster
Nora S. Eggen, Nina Zandjani og Tor Ivar Østmoe (red.)
Oslo: Hermes 2019
pp. 271
ISBN 978-82-8034-204-1
Price NOK 399
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection (iv)
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, vol. iv
General Editor: Jens Braarvig, Hermes
Oslo: Hermes 2016
pp. xxii + 456 + 45 facsimile pages.
ISBN 978 82 8034 203 4
Price NOK 1389
Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist Meditation
Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist Meditation
Halvor Eifring (ed.)
Oslo: Hermes 2014
243 pages
ISBN 978 82 8034 201 0
Price NOK 399
Studies in Chinese Language and Culture: Festschrift in Honour of Christoph Harbsmeier on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection (iii)
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, vol. iii
General Editor: Jens Braarvig
Oslo: Hermes 2006
pp. xxii + 321 + 36 facsimile pages
ISBN 82 8034 006 8
Price NOK 1389
Royal Porcelain from Siam: Unpacking the Ring Collection
Royal Porcelain from Siam: Unpacking the Ring Collection
Anne Håbu and Dawn F. Rooney (ed.)
Oslo: Hermes 2013
307 pages
ISBN 978 82 8034 200 3
NOK 499
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Medieval Seal Matrices in the Schøyen Collection
Medieval Seal Matrices in the Schøyen Collection
Richard Lienenthal and and William Noel
Oslo: Hermes 2004
ISBN 82 8034 004 1
Price NOK 999
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection (vol. ii)
Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, vol. ii
General Editor: Jens Braarvig
Oslo: Hermes 2002
pp. xxvi + 370 + 56 facsimile pages
ISBN 82 8034 003 3
Price NOK 1389
Coptic Papyri I: Das Matthäus-Evangelium im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Schøyen)
Coptic Papyri I
Das Matthäus-Evangelium im mittelägyptishen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Schøyen)
Hans-Martin Schenke (ed)
Oslo: Hermes 2001
ISBN 82 8034 002 5
Price NOK 949

Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, vol. i: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. i
Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection, vol. i: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. i
General Editor: Jens Braarvig
Oslo: Hermes 2000
pp. xxii + 302 + 40 facsimile pages
ISBN 82 8034 001 7
Price NOK 1389
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Bottles and Battles: The Rise and Fall of the Dionysian Mode of Cultural Production
Bottles and Battles: The Rise and Fall of the Dionysian Mode of Cultural Production.
A Study in Political Anthropology and Institutions in Greece and Western Europe.
Bjørn Qviller
Oslo: Hermes 2004
pp. xviii + 293
ISBN 82 8034050-5
Price NOK 399
Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. Vol. I: Edition of extant manuscripts with an index
Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. Vol. I: Edition of extant manuscripts with an index
Jens Braarvig
pp. xix +290
Oslo: Hermes 1993
ISBN 82 560 0916 0
Vol. I and II together: NOK 699
Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. Vol. II: The Tradition of Imperishability in Buddhist Thought
Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. Vol. II: The Tradition of Imperishability in Buddhist Thought
Jens Braarvig
Oslo: Hermes 1993
pp. cxxxii + 591
ISBN 82 560 0917 9
Vol. I and II together: NOK 699
Reisen til landet der borte
Jens Braarvig og Erling Kittelsen
Oslo 2022
148 sider
ISBN 978-82-8034-217-1 (pbk)
NOK 289,-
ISBN 978-82-8034-218-8 (ebk)
NOK 89,-
Gammelkirkeslavisk grammatikk
Jan Ivar Bjørnflaten
Hermes Forlag, Oslo 2022
xiv + 127 sider
ISBN 978-82-8034-209-6 (paperback)
Pris kr. 289,-
ISBN 978-82-8034-214-0 (e-bok)
Pris kr. 89,-
Studia in Honorem Vibeke Roggen
Silvio Bär & Han Lamers (ed.)
Oslo: Hermes 2022
xii + 564 pages
ISBN 978-82-8034-211-9 (hbk)
NOK 589,-
ISBN 978-82-8034-212-6 (pbk)
NOK 389,-
ISBN 978-82-8034-213-3 (ebk)
NOK 89,-
Landey: Afghanske vers
Parkha Atal, Dewa Wolasmal Babakarkhail og Erling Kittelsen
Oslo 2020
146 sider
ISBN 978-82-8034-210-2
NOK 249,-